Jhongshan freeway. to merge ontoExpresswa. Jhutian Junction. GoLinbian. Out of the Nanjhou Exit. Turn left toward Shengli Rd. Turn right at Connection line Fanshan→Fenguang→Chechang→Hengchun→Swan Lake Villa Resort.BUS
General Route-
every 10-20 minutes between 6:00-22:00 and every 40minutes between 22:00- 6:00. The bus stop is located at the right hand side and approximately 50m away from ground floor exit of the airport.
Bus and Airplane-
Ride a bus bound for Kenting from the Kaohsiung International Airport bus terminal.
High Speed Rail
Trains and Bus- It gets off Zuoying High Speed Railway Station Station, it goes to the bus stop, and it gets on the bus for Kenting.